Following My Heart Out of a Twin Flames Cult: Part 2

Jessi Hersey
4 min readJan 29, 2023

Disclaimer: This article contains my own opinion from my own experiences and does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of those mentioned. Any context provided is my opinion and not meant to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.

If you read my last article, then you’ll know the story behind this one. This is the original article I had published in September of 2020, which startled the Twin Flames Cult enough to send me a cease and desist. But this is my own true experience; and I should not be afraid of letting my freedom of speech be taken away from me.

It began with a tantrum. A childish fit witnessed only by those closest to the Twin Flames Cult leader. He wrote to us in all capital letters, “IF YOU CAN’T SELL THE LOVE TO THE PEOPLE, THEN I WILL JUST TAKE MY BODY OF WORK ELSEWHERE.” This was normal protocol. A fear-based threat to take away our work. We were told to mirror the fear. That if we felt fear, which is an illusion, just mirror it; and in its place will be peace. Eventually, my mind became completely manipulated and numb to the never-ending threats. For the leaders of the cult, this left freedom to transfer shame and guilt — to mistreat and abuse those that followed their teachings.

Out of fear, everyone did as we were told. In his Twin Flames education videos, he explains how he is the second coming of Christ. His “soul family” was a star-studded cast, consisting of Jesus, Shakespeare, Rumi, Paramahansa, Moses and so many more famous figures. In these brainwashing, mind-manipulating videos, he describes how the mirror exercise is life-changing. “It can heal all illnesses and sorrow.” I believed him at the time because I was vulnerable and susceptible to the lies. We were encouraged to watch the videos daily. Soon, the lies became obvious. There was no follow through with promises; and the followers, including me, were always cleaning up his and his wife’s messes. One by one, followers began to quietly trickle out of the cult. The leader would chastise these people and make up lies about them as individuals. Recently, he even started making YouTube videos with clickbait titles to try and convince the public that they are not a cult. If they are trying to convince you they aren’t a cult. They are, unequivocally, a cult.

“Life Purpose” classes influenced and convinced followers to volunteer and sell the cult’s materials. Initially, he claimed that he had no expectations. But if things didn’t go his way — if you didn’t make him money — he would throw another tantrum with a new set of threats. He expected us to do our spiritual work, the mirror exercise, the classes, and own all his products while working full time in a day job to make money for his benefit.

Image taken from unsplashed by europeana

The leader has a charming way of manipulating everyone through brainwashing videos and fear-based threats. He persuaded you that he is the bridge to Heaven on Earth — that he held all the answers we seek. Those like myself, who were lost and looking for answers, were drawn to his claims. If his product were true, it would be life-changing; but that is wishful thinking. He is just another cult leader, illegally making money off of those that are vulnerable who trusted him and his wife to offer a better life. These two leaders claim to be twin flames, yet their interactions seemed to portray an abusive relationship. To become a member of their group, you pay into their “church” and “business” under the “Temple of Heaven.” Once I left the Twin Flames Cult, I recognized some comparisons between this and other famous cults of the past. For example, “Peoples Temple” led by Jim Jones; “Heaven’s Gate” lead by Marshall Applewhite, who also claimed he was the second coming of Christ; and “Solar Temple,” whose leader made similar claims. They are all echoes of one another. Corrupt, greedy organizations disguised under a glossy coat of paint.

Heaven’s Gate and the Temple of Heaven (Known as Twin Flames) are both are technology-savvy cults. Their leaders claim to be the second coming of Christ. Similarly, Solar Temple built their own church with claims of being “unionists,” just like the Twin Flames Cult is trying to achieve. For each of these cults, volunteering for the cause is deemed as not only important, but necessary. Cult survivor Fleur Brown states, “Volunteer work was critical to stay in favor of the group.” This is so true of the Twin Flames Cult.

As I heal from this horrific, mind-altering, fear-based experience, I have come to realize something. I know that in your heart, you hold the answers and know who you are meant to be. No mirror exercise will do that for you. Your potential is endless. Follow the logic of your heart — it will lead you to where you are meant to go.

As truth about this cult continues to surface, they will change some things within their cult in order to cover up their nefarious intent. They are now requiring all members to sign a new NDA. To whoever reads this, know your worth. Know that when something does not feel right, it isn’t right. Your heart already holds the truth.



Jessi Hersey

Queer Neurodivergent author on Netflix's "Escaping Twin Flames." animal lover, and believer in inclusion. 🌈🐾