Music and Poetry

Jessi Hersey
2 min readJan 4, 2021

It all starts with a note on the MIDI piano that notes become a chord, and then ideas start flowing in my head what the potential could be for this music being born with my hand right now. Where could it go? The words sometimes come first like a poem because lyrics are written like a poem rhyming, and timing play a crucial role in the processes of it all.

So what comes next? what do two seemingly different things have to do with each other? There is a structure to both that are meant to be broken, not so much in lyrics, but with poetry can have rules broken, just like certain elements of music can be distorted and played with. You can take every day sound like clapping your hands and record it and with certain EQs and serums, which is just a way of saying distortion of music. You can make that clap sound like a voice or an echo. The possibilities are endless.

The picture was taken by Marcela Laskoski on Unsplash.

It’s fun to sit and play with sound as you switch gears into poetry. It’s similar to changing sound with distortion. It all starts with a word. It can be a simple word or a complex word. Whatever is moving you at the moment with me, peace moves me in ways I can’t always explain. I keep moving. Once the first word of a poem has been written, I get to play with those words and flow with whatever comes my way in words.

It builds onto the meaning of the poem the complexity or simplicity of it. The only difference is I am sitting at my computer typing on my computer as I type, I think of the possibilities that I could change the peaceful sound of my fingers on the keyboard, but that would change the rhythm I have down in writing. There is a specific rhythm to my poetry that reminds me of the heart. It flows from fingers and hits the keyboard of my computer in a certain swiftly light way.

The fingers are playing a melody as I write a poem that can translate into a song.

music can be


as poetry

can be like a

noble tree

near the sea

I wrote that poem just now on the spot where it rhymes. It can become a song as rappers have it down in music. They can rhyme like there in no time. I hope this short intertwining explanation of poetry and music touches your heart and makes sense that they are one and the same.



Jessi Hersey

Neurodivergent Author I write about inclusion, current events, diversity and love.